Ben Weasel breaks the semi-silence

Ben Weasel has posted a long blog entry covering the various trials and tribulations faced by Screeching Weasel since the March 2011 incident which precipitated the departure of most members of the band, bands dropping off WeaselFest and the eventual cancellation of the festival. With the first Screeching Weasel show since the incident set for October, Ben addressed his side of the whole situation with something less than the humility he showed in March:

But this isn't just a Screeching Weasel show – it's my Independence Day and this fully extended middle finger is my flag. I've been silent for almost five months but now I've taken over this Carnival Of Schadenfreude; it's barreling down the tracks even as I type and I can hardly to wait to take the stage again. Did you think I'd ignore all of the unmitigated bullshit that went down after Austin? Hell no you didn't, you're Screeching Weasel fans – you knew better. I'm embracing the chaos, and I'm giving it noogies and then I'm twisting it up into a delightful balloon dachshund for your amusement. The documentary crew will be there to record the whole spectacle so I need every true blue fan there with bells on to let all the hypocritical, sanctimonious pricks know exactly what we think of them.

Check out the entire blog entry here.