NOFX has had to cancel two shows on their ongoing South American tour. Fat Mike had this to say:

Hello, Fat Mike reporting in from Buenos Aires. So far this tour has been awesome aside from a few missed flights and food poisoning. The good news is we will be playing the next few shows in Lima, Santiago de Chile, and Guayaquil. The bad news is the shows in Columbia and Venezuela are cancelled because the promoter (Santiago) lied to us repeatedly (the promoter Cheo in Caracas is not to blame).

In fact the club Santiago booked us in Bogota had no idea that any show existed. We apologize to all the kids who bought tickets in those countries. Hopefully you all can get your money back. For sure, we are not getting our $25,000 back that we spent on plane tickets. Had the promoters in those two countries actually bought us the tickets they said they had bought, we wouldn't be having these problems. Anyway, I'm not gonna go into all the details of how we're getting screwed. All I know is that every other show in South America has been super cool and we're having a great fucking time. Thanks to all the kids who are showing up and throwing joints at us.

Mike also sent us a Spanish version of the message.

Hola, aca Fat Mike desde Buenos Aires. Hasta ahora este tour fue incredible dejando de lado algunos vuelos perdidos y algunas intoxicaciones. La buena noticia es que vamos a hacer los proximos shows en Lima, Santiago de Chile y Guayaquil. La mala noticia es que los shows de Venezuela y Colombia se cancelaron porque el promotor (Santiago) nos mintio muchas veces (Cheo, el promotor en Caracas no es el culpable). De hecho el club que Santiago reservo en Bogota no estaba al tanto de la existencia de este show. Pedimos disculpas a todos los chicos que compraron las entradas en esos paises.

Afortunadamente a todos se les va a devolver el dinero. Y seguramente nosotros no vamos a recuperar los $25,000 que gastamos en los pasajes de avion. Si los promotores de esos paises hubieran comprado los pasajes de avion -y dijeron que los habian comprado- no tendriamos estos problemas. De todas maneras, no voy a entrar en detalles que como nos jodieron. Todo lo que se es que los demas shows de Sudamerica fueron impresionantes y la estamos pasando mas que bien. Gracias a todos los chicos que viene a los shows y nos tiran hierba. Nos vemos por ahi