Best of The Year
Torche, Tobias Jeg (Red Scare), Tom May (Menzingers)

Torche, Tobias Jeg (Red Scare), Tom May (Menzingers)

It's Friday, y'all! If you're thinking, "I wish Punknews would let the reader's make a Best of 2012 list", you're in luck, because we do! Every year we compile a list determined by the ratings you give the reviewed albums on the site. So if you haven't rated anything yet this year, you should probably do that right after you take a look at the favorites albums of 2012 from Steve Brooks and Andrew Elstner of Torche, Tobias Jeg of Red Scare, and Tom May of The Menzingers. Have a good weekend and we'll bring you more next week.

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Best of The Year
Chris Farren (Fake Problems), Scott Vogel (Terror), Scotty Sandwich (DTFH)

Chris Farren (Fake Problems), Scott Vogel (Terror), Scotty Sandwich (DTFH)

Welcome to the first round of our guest Best of 2012 lists. First at bat we have Chris Farren (Fake Problems), Scott Vogel (Terror), and Scotty Sandwich (Death to False Hope Records). Did they hit it out of the park? Let us know in the comments. We'll be posting more lists as we close out this fine year.

Editor's Note: Some browsers didn't support the original HTML formatting; so the lists may not have appeared in accurate order. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Best of The Year
Jeff Cunningham (Bridge&Tunnel), Tom May (The Menzingers), Dan Rock (Lock and Key Collective)

Jeff Cunningham (Bridge&Tunnel), Tom May (The Menzingers), Dan Rock (Lock and Key Collective)

We here at Punknews always try to remember the, "Reason for the season." The "season" of course is "End of Year list" time and the "reason" is, "Bands who are kind enough to talk to us." That said, let us adorn ourselves in our finest robes in celebration of this very special "Best of 2011 (ever)" edition featuring Jeff Cunningham (Bridge and Tunnel/Answer Key Recordsl), Tom May (The Menzingers) and Dan Rock (Lock and Key Collective). So eat, drink and be merry!

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Best of The Year
 Ben Murray (Heartsounds), Mike Campbell (Laura Stevenson and the Cans), Jamie (Blacklist Royals)

Ben Murray (Heartsounds), Mike Campbell (Laura Stevenson and the Cans), Jamie (Blacklist Royals)

We've returned, yet again, to bring you this very special Six Million Dollar edition of the "Best of 2011"! Today we have some of the best lists by Ben Murray (Heartsounds), Mike Campbell (Laura Stevenson and the Cans/Latterman/Kudrow) and Jamie [Last name withheld] (Blacklist Royals). So check out what they have to say and don't sweat the technique. We'll be back to bring you more of the best, from the best as we attempt to pad the closing of 2011 with any news we can find.

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Best of The Year
Tobias Jeg (Red Scare Industries), Greg Barnett (The Menzingers), Anthony T. Godino (Dead Industry)

Tobias Jeg (Red Scare Industries), Greg Barnett (The Menzingers), Anthony T. Godino (Dead Industry)

Welcome back to a rock 'em, sock 'em rollick through some of the absolute best offerings of 2012. Today we bring you lists from minds the likes of Tobias Jeg (Red Scare Industries), Greg Barnett (The Menzingers) and Anthony T. Godino (Dead Industry). Enjoy, and be sure to keep coming back, as the year closes in on us like the furious grasp of a former Governor reaching for the last Turbo Man figure, we're bound to have tons more things to recommend to you.

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Best of The Year
Scotty Sandwich (The Sandwiches), Nate Gangelhoff (Banner Pilot), Paul Koehler (Silverstein)

Scotty Sandwich (The Sandwiches), Nate Gangelhoff (Banner Pilot), Paul Koehler (Silverstein)

We here at Punknews consider the War on Christmas to be a 365 day a year undertaking. To further distract you from, "The reason for the season," we have best of lists from Scotty Sandwich (The Sandwiches, Death To False Hope Records), Nate Gangelhoff (Banner Pilot), and Paul Koehler (Silverstein). Check back as we round out the finality of our year with more lists telling you what's important this year.

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Tiny Engines, Part 1

Tiny Engines, Part 1

Continuing with our year end coverage, the folks over at Tiny Engines have sent over a whole mess of lists from their staff and bands. In the first edition you'll learn more about the musical tastes of Will Miller (Tiny Engines), Max Stern (Signals Midwest), Loren Shumaker (Signals Midwest), Jon Loudon (Restorations), Steven Gray (Dikembe/Wavelets), Luke Moses (Wavelets), and Brendan McHugh (Everyone Everywhere).

Click Read More to read their lists.

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