by Asian Man

Some updates have come in from Mike Park as he continues his journey from Seattle to San Francisco. The Bike for Peace tour aims to raise funds to support a new youth centre in San Jose, California. Mike also recently released his sophomore solo record, North Hangook Falling.

According to Park:

Watching the human body take a beating and seeing a group of individuals gather together in support of what we all view as something great. It's pretty neat to say the least. But we are only half way there. But the short break in San Francisco will be taken with such joy that I'm sure it will rejuvinate me for the rest of the trip.

Matt Embree is playing guitar and singing whilst I type. He has a friggin good voice. Much better than me, but I can probably kick his ass. Just kidding.

My legs are numb and somehow I gained 5 pounds.

The trip has raised at least $6000 so far from donations according to a tally provided by Mike. After the trip completes, he will visit the UK with Alkaline Trio. The dates for the the bike tour, which wraps up October 6th, and the UK trip can be found here.