Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by Fat Wreck Chords

The Loved Ones has a bit of an automotive mishap on their ongoing tour with the Hold Steady. Dave Hause revealed the story:

Here's the story: We played an amazing show with The Hold Steady in Minneapolis, got up and left Eric D4's house where we had slept and were driving towards Fargo for the next show of the tour. And then 2 of our 6 wheels fell off.

That's right, like at 70 miles an hour. The 2 rear passenger dual wheels FELL OFF.

Our tour manager/merch man/driver/'overall miracle worker William Wilkie is the only reason I'm able to type this story out; he expertly navigated us to a stop on the shoulder of I94. After scrambling around, calling our loved ones, renting a van and spending every bit of money we'd made on the tour to fix our truck, we sailed out for Fargo with 10 minutes to spare before we were supposed to play. We played one of the most memorable sets I've ever played, given the circumstances. You never know when you are gonna be taken away, but I guess that just wasn't our day to die. Playing music that night never felt quite so free and so real.

The band is currently supporting Build & Burn.