Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by Recess In Memoriam

Brian "Turd" Thixton of Les Turds has been killed in New Orleans. The band wrote about the incident in their blog:

I find out Brian Turd has been shot dead in the streets of New Orleans. I don't know so much how to take all this right now. I'm definitely angry at whoever shot him. I don't know the details but I do know that if you bring a gun to a fist fight then you are lower than cowardly. If it was a mugging then they are big piece as ass shit. You can look at Brian and just know you won't get more than 20 bucks and his life, any life, is so much more valuable than that.

I remember the first time I met Brian I was 16. He pulled up to my dad's house in a old big ass truck that would later come to be know the "Motel Dodge." He had Cannibal Corpse cranked and was sporting one hell of a mullet. He quoted the lines most would find most disturbing but he found most entertaining and would let out his patented Beavis and Butthead-ish laugh.

New Orleans has had "crime" cameras in the area for some time, but the cameras were damaged in the storm and so no information on what happened is currently available.

Our deepest condolences to his friends and family.