Scott: So after Adam's unabashed praise of the new Hot Hot Heat album [readable here], my interest really was piqued in this band. Thanks to moldy, I now own said album [gotta love those belated birthday presents!]. This song has been stuck in my head in the past 72 hours, and I expect for it to stay around much, much longer:
Hot Hot Heat - Oh, Goddamnit
For more info on Hot Hot Heat, go to

Adam: "They say it's your birthday? Well it's my birthday too yeah." Yep. I'm 21 today, which in Canada is really far less interesting than it is in the States. But no, that won't stop me from taking a page from the Book of Scott and soliciting presents. Here's one of the songs that should be playing during the bash, it's SideOne's new signing Maxeen doing their best Police impression:
Maxeen - Love Goes A Long Way
For more info on the band check SideOneDummy.