by BYO

Here's the latest from BYO Records. The big news is that The Forgotten are currently auditioning new guitar players, as Craig is perusing other projects. He's currently working on the new Transplants record and on a solo project. Craig's become Rancid's go-to guy for their side projects, as he's a touring member of both the Transplants and Lars Frederiksen & The Bastards. MTV News recently reported that drummer Travis Barker and frontman Tim Armstrong have recently started work on the second Transplants record.

The Alkaline Trio are set to head into the studio to record their 1/2 of the upcoming split with One Man Army, to be released in April. Jackass' debut BYO release Plastic Jesus is out on March 23rd, 2004. Label founders Youth Brigade are talking about recording a new record for `04. More on that as it's announced.