Contributed by jimmy_the_saint, Posted by Alternative Tentacles

After six years of litigation, the lawsuit between former Dead Kennedy's vocalist Jello Biafra/Alternative Tentacles and the remaining members of the band has been dropped.

Former Dead Kennedys lead singer Jello Biafra has dropped his remaining lawsuit against members of his band. In May 2000, a jury convicted Biafra and his record label of breach of contract and fraud. In June 2003, a state appeals court upheld that decision and ordered Biafra to pay $220,000 in back royalties and other damages. It also decided the band's creative output, including songs "Holiday in Cambodia" and "Kill the Poor," belongs to a partnership formed among the four band members.

But the panel reversed the lower court's decision to break up the partnership, remanding the case back to the trial court to determine whether a partnership among the band members should be dissolved and its assets sold.

On June 30, Biafra agreed "the partnership's assets would be substantially diminished" by breaking it up.

"Personally and professionally, I just want to put this entire chapter behind us and concentrate on making music again," bassist Klaus Flouride said.

The San Francisco-based punk band performed together from 1978 to 1986. The band re-formed without Biafra and has been playing as the Dead Kennedys, according to its publicist, Josh Mills.

(Associated Press)