No Trigger - Tycoon (Cover Artwork)
Staff Review

No Trigger

Tycoon (2012)

No Sleep

In six short years, the musical landscape can transform immensely. Back in 2006, no one had heard of the Gaslight Anthem, or Lady Gaga for that matter. Gratuitous autotune didn't inhabit every song on the top 40, and the Black Keys were just some garage rock band from Akron, Ohio. Things were mighty different back then. For Worcester, Mass.' No Trigger however, other than a few lineup and label adjustments, not much has changed in the six years since their last full-length, Canyoneer. The band still play their trademark speedy melodic hardcore, coming off like a sharper version of Strike Anywhere or early Rise Against with a hint of Kid Dynamite in Tom Rheault's vocals. Since the group has been working at a Dillinger Four-like pace, their overdue sophomore effort Tycoon feels refreshing rather than rehashed.

Sticking with a familiar sound doesn't mean the group has grown stagnant. While No Trigger hasn't radically reinvented its sound on Tycoon, the band has made a few small tweaks that have helped their sound grow. On the whole, Tycoon is a more aggressive affair than its predecessor (Defeater guitarist Jay Maas' production probably had a hand in that), and the guitar licks on "Dried Piss" and "New Brains" are slightly more complex than what we've heard from the band before, suggesting a Wilhelm Scream vibe. Another twist one might not have expected is the nearly two-minute drum solo in "Turn In My Throat" that closes the album.

One aspect that drew a lot fans to No Trigger in the Canyoneer days was their catchy choruses, and those remain the same as they ever were. Look no further than "Checkmate" or opener "Maple Boy" for proof. These are sure to incite plenty of singalongs and pileups.

Melodic hardcore is a crowded field. No Trigger isn't doing anything radically different from the pack but the group manages to stand out by simply writing solid songs with solid hooks, and finding a good balance of aggression and melody. Tycoon will please fans of the genre, and give them something to mosh about. It's good to have them back.