Rx Bandits - Halfway Between Here and There (Cover Artwork)

Rx Bandits

Halfway Between Here and There (1999)


Ska/punk is weird. One element comes from the slums of Jamaica, the other from the slums of Britain. One is all about taking it easy, the other about rebellion and angst. However, when you combine third-wave ska with pop-punk, the result can be amazing. The RxBandits have the formula down perfectly.

After hearing this CD at a friend's house, I was amazed by the tightness of the band, the catchiness of the songs, the quality of the recording, and the overall musicality. This is not cheap, throw-away pop-punk that sounds the same as every other band out there. The RxBandits are extremely original and creative. The album is SO fun to listen to because all of the songs are just good! I hear Sublime influences, and then there's some Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake thrown into the mix. The result is a totally original and exciting sound. My only complaint about the CD is that it isn't long enough.

If you have any doubts, just listen to "What If." And if you can, download the whole song. It's the song that got me hooked on them in the beginning. The forbodingly simple bass line is accented by Matt Embree's punchy vocals before the whole thing breaks into a torrent of guitars and horns....jeez it's so good! See for yourself....