YEAH! FEST! lineup announced

Coming to Olympia, Washington this September is the first (and last) ever YEAH! FEST!, sponsored by Kill Rock Stars. According to KRS, the fest is a benefit to raise money and awareness for Safeplace and the League Of Pissed Off Voters, and will never happen again. The fest will happen in Eagles Hall in Olympia from September 10-12. Bands playing include Mecca Normal, Xiu Xiu, Amps For Christ, Deerhoof, Gossip, the Decemberists, Shoplifting, Wives and more, and will conclude on Sunday with Bangs' last-ever show. Click READ MORE for the entire schedule. There will also be workshops, art shows, and spoken word. Tickets range from $50-$250, with each price level coming with various gifts. You can view the various levels and buy tickets here.

Friday September 10th
8:20 Crazy 88s (basement)
8:40 Wet Confetti (top floor)
9:00 Mecca Normal (ballroom)
9:20 Le Ton Mite (basement)
9:40 The Waxfire (top floor)
10:00 The King Cobra (ballroom)
10:20 The Hunches (basement)
10:40 Palisades (top floor)
11:00 Glass Candy (ballroom)
11:20 Sleetmute Nightmute (basement)
11:40 Big Empty (top floor)

Saturday September 11th
2:20 The Punks (basement)
2:40 People who are Vampires and don't know it yet (top floor)
3:00 Hello Cuca (ballroom)
3:20 The Planet The (basement)
3:40 Tom Heinl (top floor)
4:00 Xiu Xiu (ballroom)
4:20 Joey Casio (basement)
4:40 Amps For Christ (top floor)
5:00 Mirah with The Black Cat Orchestra (ballroom)
5:20 Mae Shi (basement)
5:40 Old Haunts (top floor)
6:00 Deerhoof (ballroom)
8:20 Biography of Ferns (basement)
8:40 Nedelle (top floor)
9:00 Anna Oxygen (ballroom)
9:20 Mind your Pig, Latoya (basement)
9:40 Jeff Hanson (top floor)
10:00 Numbers (ballroom)
10:20 Other Ghost (basement)
10:40 The Legend! (top floor)
11:00 Gossip (ballroom)
11:20 November Witch (basement)
11:40 Submission Hold (top floor)
12:00 The Decemberists (ballroom)

Sunday September 12th
4:20 Becky (basement)
4:40 PS I love you (top floor)
5:00 Female Hip Hop Alliance (ballroom)
5:20 Spider and the Webs (basement)
5:40 Sedan (top floor)
6:00 Scream Club (ballroom)
6:20 Montir Batssss (basement)
6:40 Al Larsen (top floor)
7:00 Shoplifting (ballroom)
7:20 Wives (basement)
7:40 Lyrebird (top floor)
8:00 The Makers (ballroom)
8:20 Shady Ladies (basement)
8:40 The Strangers (top floor)
9:00 Bangs - the final show (ballroom)

"our troubled discotheque" with DJ Nightschool