Drive Thru, Dashboard and Vagrant Duke it Out!

Here is a copy of the conversation that was going on between Rich from Drive Thru and Rich from Vagrant. Drive Thru is really pissed that Dashboard didn't sign to them for a 17 record deal and instead signed with Vagrant.

Thanks to Dan Sama for pointing this out for us. He rocks mad zigga zao style..... indeed

"Dashboard wants to be on a major. He is dying to be huge. That is his goal. He went to Vagrant because his best friend works there and they both schemed and plotted and stabbed us in the back to go there. Midtown are not, will not and could not ever go to Vagrant. They are signed to Drive Thru Records for 6 records. We love them, they love us, they love MCA, MCA loves them and they are signing to MCA. Trust me, they wouldn't go to Vagrant over their dead bodies. Vagrant is as independent as we are. Me and Stefanie
own 100% of our label and we have a p&d deal with MCA (they manufacture and distribute our CDs but have NO say in what we do and who we sign) and Vagrant has the same deal with TVT (aka BMG aka major label).

Drive-Thru Records

I took the liberty of asking Rich Egan (owner of Vagrant Records) to comment on the Dashboard/Drive Thru post. He stated:

"Trust us, there would have to be A LOT of dead bodies to climb over before Midtown signed to Vagrant. Six records? Wow, that's a lot of records to tie an artist up for but I guess MCA has its rules… While I haven't ever had the pleasure of hearing the band, we wish miDtown a happy 14 years on Drive Thru. As for Dashboard Confessional, we would like to thank Drive Thru for showing Chris what they were all about before offering him a contract. Finally, in regards to our deal with TVT, its non exclusive (unlike Drive Thru & MCA) it isnt affilliated with BMG, TVT isnt a major (unlike MCA), and they have no rights or options on any of our bands (unlike Drive Thru & MCA). Other than that, yeah, I guess Richard Reines was totally accurate."
