True North's Art Project

True North have just hit the road to support their third release for No Idea Records Somewhat Similar [review]. The tour is with friends Against Me! and Blood Brothers [dates].
True North are also very outspoken about their social and political views. For this tour guitarist/vocalist Matt Sweeting has compiled 15 or so original screen printed posters from various artists that represent the current political climate.

You can view some of the prints here. You can click Read More to hear what Matt has to say about the project.

"So now that we are about a month away from "super" Tuesday, I really wanted to try and get the word out as much as possible… what the word is I'm not really sure, but something needs to done. With the help of some friends, we managed to put together a display of visual ideas and expressions for what is about to happen, and why it's important to us. Each image was designed by someone different to express where they are coming from. My hope with this poster project was to not only allow some really talented people to share their art, but to also remind people that there is something momentous happening.

We'll have these posters for sale during our tour with Against Me! & Blood Brothers. All proceeds from poster sales will go to Music for America and Smart Voter, two groups whose mission is to simply educate people and allow them to make the best decision possible. My ultimate vision is that people will make a decision, as participation is the key… please vote. Thanks."

Matt/True North