PunkVoter refocuses, plans for the future

With the Bush victory in the recent US presidential elections, the future of the PunkVoter organization has been in question. Last month members of the organization (including Jello Biafra, NOFX's Fat Mike, San Francisco supervisor Matt Gonzalez, The Frisk's Jesse Luscious and others) got together in San Francisco to decide the organization's next steps. According to the Alternative Tentacles website "After helping to get more 18-24s to the polls than ever before- and halting the steady slide in the % of youth voters- in November's national US elections- Punk Voter is switching our focus." The organization will concentrate on four areas in the immediate future, from AT:

  • Impending draft and encouraging Conscientious Objectors to register now before the draft occurs.
  • Protect Roe vs. Wade and related choice issues
  • Fight increased media consolidation and encourage media literacy.
  • Repair our Democracy- recountable, accessible touch screen machines, Instant Run-Off Voting, Public Financing, true Campaign Finance Reform, and on and on.

    All of the details on how the group plans to "stay focused, fun-loving, and pissed!" can be found in Jesse Luscious' new guest column on the PunkVoter website.