Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

In the spirit of new beginnings, we'd like to finally disclose something
that's been in the works behind the scenes for some time now.

We've always run Punknews.org as volunteers, posting news and updates in the free moments between work, school and everything else. It's been our hobby and our passion, and we decided the natural next step would be to see the world from the other side. There are so many brilliant and exciting bands out there that, besides writing about them, we thought we should try and share them with you.

Everyone from Maximum Rocknroll to Law Of Inertia has dipped their toes in the record label pool; heck, even No Idea Records started as a zine, many moons ago. Frankly, we figured we should get our toes a little wet, too. We're now happy and humbled to announce to you the launch of Punknews Records!

What is Punknews Records? It's an independent record label run by Aubin, Scott and Adam of Punknews.org. In the coming years, you can expect new albums, tours, compilations and more. We'll be
announcing the first bands we're working with and more info throughout the winter.

What happens to Punknews.org? Nothing. Music is something we love, and there is no way that we'd sacrifice the opportunity to write and participate in discussions about it. The site and the label are
separate, and will stay that way. We'll also have a policy of complete transparency in place so you'll know if the staff has any vested interests in the bands we report on.

How can I get more info? We'll have a website up for the label
soon, until then you can e-mail your questions and comments to Adam [at]
, Aubin [at]
and Scott [at]

Thank you for sticking with us so far, and we wish you all a great new

-Aubin, Adam and Scott