Near Riot at Raised Fist Show!

"Last night was Raised Fist playing here in Brandon, Manitoba, canada.
Except they didn't get to play, because of fire code regulations that got violated. The cops stopped the show, and the showgoers got quite irate with the pigs. Lets just say that: cops were assualted, kids were arrested, stuff was broken, and 300 hundred people refused to leave the venue. The angry crowd was chanting "Raised Fist" for the most of the time, as well as "go eat donuts". Lets just say it took them around 25 police officers and over an hour to clear the building. the end result was plenty of damage to the venue, one bloodied police officer, twelve arrested punkers, and many more disspointed in the fact that they didn't get to see the hardcore legends from Sweeden.

Wow. Every once in awhile something crazy happens at a show. One I remember was seeing AFI, Good Riddance and some locals in Toronto, when an overzealous idiot of a bouncer punched a 14 year old girl for giving him the finger. Davey freaked, and stopped the show yelling "Get him!" and next thing we knew, this bouncer was under a wave of furious kids. I know I should condemn what Davey did, but I don't. For a lot of kids, shows are all they have, and for these self-appointed authority figures to come in and try and ruin the one safe, healthy thing we can do is really weak. (On the other hand, I'm definitely not condoning violence. Violence begets violence, and so forth)