Soul Brains recording with Adam Yauch

Billboard is reporting that Soul Brains (current moniker of the reunited Bad Brains) have completed recording for their first new full length since 1995's God of Love. The album is being produced by "longtime admirer" Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys. It's being reported that the new material revives the hardcore / reggae style of classics Bad Brains and Rock for Light.

Bassist Darryl Jenifer commented to Billboard:

"This is one of the first times that we intended to do stuff. We never really intend to do anything. But I said, 'I want this record to sound like the old Bad Brains -- I want it to be straight-up hardcore. No tricks, no bells, no whistles. And I want the reggae to be straight rub-a-dub, no little riffs and stuff. The rock -- straight-up speedcore, the way we were known for doing it.' It doesn't have an 'I Against I' appeal to it; it's more like 'Rock For Light.' It's like the cousins of those riffs...

We recorded all new rhythm tracks -- six or seven reggae, six or seven rock. We went out to L.A. and got H.R. to sing on them. He kind of did his 'new' H.R. stylings; it wasn't reminiscent of the 'old' H.R., which I can respect. So we've been waiting for Doc to do some solos, and then mix that.

There's no word on when the record will be releases and by which label. Touring is also questionable at this point, with Jenifer admitting "It's hard for us to do shows. That's mainly on H.R., with his mental and emotional state. He's my man. He's a weird dude and I love it -- there's freedom right there. I've really come to that conclusion, that the dude is the [most free] person you'll ever meet."