Editors' Picks: The Glow / Naked Raygun

Adam: The new full length from Boston's the Glow has been rocking my stereo all week long. You can hear the influence of tracks like the Specials' "Ghost Town" throughout the record, and while they're certainly more Stax than 2-Tone the Glow convey that same nervous, haunting energy in their organ driven songs. The band released The Ghosts Are Out... this past week on Bankshot Records. There's a rough, history-conscious charm to their songwriting that fans of recent Swami or Alive releases should dig.
The Glow - Hell in a Vase

Aubin: This band broke up more than a decade ago, but their influence is still felt throughout their own Chicago and much of the modern punk scene. Bands like Alkaline Trio and The Lawrence Arms owe a debt to their genre defining melodic hardcore; the kind that appeared on records like the stellar Throb Throb and the flawless Jettison. A few years ago, Quarterstick Records reissued remastered versions of much of Naked Raygun's catalog and they provide this weeks set of tracks.
Naked Raygun - "When the Walls Come Down"
Naked Raygun - "Tojo"
Naked Raygun - "The Grind"