H2O prepping DVD release of "Faster Than the World", new album

H2O has posted an update on their website with some information about the upcoming DVD release of Faster Than the World. The video was originally released on Epitaph on VHS in 1999. According to the band, the DVD release will include the entirety of the VHS release as well as: "the 10 year anniversary show at Knitting Factory Dec. 29th 2004, the Role Model video, the Ice Cube video, and some extra ... extra shit."

The post also included some details about the upcoming full length and follow up to Go! and the All We Want EP:

We have a bunch of new songs, one is called "1995 (The Beginning)" that we've played out in Europe and in Long Island. The new record is gonna be the story from 1995 to 2005, from our first show to where we are now in our lives. I know it's been over three years since we've had a new record out, it's coming!

The band has not announced a label for either of the two releases yet.