Editors' Picks: Bad Brains

Aubin: One of the definitive early hardcore bands was Washington, D.C.'s Bad Brains. The band began in the early eighties and alternated between the fastest hardcore and the most laid back reggae. Though they eventually dabbled with metal and funk, the band's early recordings represented some of the most primal and crucial hardcore recordings of the era. While the unpredictable nature and rampant homophobia of vocalist HR diminished the band for some, the band deserves to remembered for what it was: a singular influence, and proof of the remarkably inclusive nature of punk and hardcore.

Bad Brains - "Pay to Cum" (from epitonic)
Bad Brains - "Pay to Cum" (alternate Realplayer)
Bad Brains - "Don't Bother Me" (Realplayer)
Bad Brains - "Big Takeover" (Realplayer)