108 reforms after Hellfest replacement shows

108 has announced plans to continue performing and writing new material. The band, who called it quits over a decade ago, was scheduled to perform at the cancelled Hellfest with "the original and essential members" Vic DiCara on Guitar and backing vocals, Robert Fish (Rasaraja) on Vocals, Trivikrama dasa on Bass and Chris Daly on Drums.

DiCara had this to say:

I was surprised how many people said that before the shows they were confused about our motivations for playing shows again - thinking, "If 108 aren't Hare Krishnas anymore, why would they want to play those songs again?"
I admit that the members of 108 were once deeply involved in the external social aspect of religion known as "Hare Krishna" - and today or tomorrow we may or may not be. The songs that we created in 108, however, are, always were, and always will be a deep part of our inner selves - our "souls." The convictions and expressions of our inner selves are identical, if not even more powerful, then those we held a decade and more ago. Changes to our external social affiliations have absolutely nothing to do with the emotional and spiritual connection we will always have with the songs we have created and the messages and meanings in them.

On to other news: we had such a positive experience rehearsing and playing together as a band again that we have decided to continue. Our next shows are planed to be sometime in early winter of this year, in Southern California. We are starting work on creating new 108 material - some of which we might be ready to play for you by those shows, and which will - we hope - be released in some format sometime not too long after that.