Former Nerve Agents/Redemption 87 frontman resurfaces with new band

Eric Ozenne, former frontman of Unit Pride, Redemption 87, and The Nerve Agents, has started a new band with two of his former bandmates from Redemption 87 and an unnamed bassist. The band hasn't been named yet, but Ozenne had this to say:

I have crawled out of the tree tops to inform you that I have yet again, begun a new band...only this time it is actually happening. Gary Gutfeld (Redemption 87 drummer), Timmy Chunks (Redemption 87 guitar) and I have joined up again (not to do Redemption 87 in any shape or form)...but to do an all new band...yes it will be a hardcore/punk band, that is the intention. We are doing this merely to have fun and once again bring our input into the music scene.

Does anybody really care? Who the hell wants to see the kind of hardcore and punk that we offer? In 2005 are we kidding ourselves?probably. Does anybody want to see the geriatric community in action......uh? Well, someone once said ...if I can reach just will do.

The Nerve Agents broke up in 2002 shortly after the release of The Butterfly Collection and Day of the White Owl. Hardcore act Redemption 87 split just prior to that with their final release, All Guns Poolside. They also briefly reunited in 2004 for a handful of shows.