Hopeless News

"Hopeless to release Turbo Negro Tribute - Alpha Mother, Mustard Plug "Big Daddy Multitude to be re-released on Hopeless, Digger "Trainwreck" available for pre-order. " Click below for the full text of the news.

Hopeless to release Turbo Negro Tribute - "Alpha Mother…."
If you are into punk rock you have heard of Turbo Negro. This
band¹s last album was called ³the best punk album that ever came out of
Europe,² by Jello Biafra. When it was announced that the tribute was
made, over 75 finished and exclusive recordings were submitted by bands
all over the world…that means songs they specifically recorded in
hopes of
being able to pay homage to Turbo Negro. Well, the list has been
down from 75 and includes: Queens of the Stoneage, The Supersuckers,
Therapy!, Nashville Pussy and Scared of Chaka to name a few, and there
plenty more. These are all unreleased tracks only available on this
compilation. In Europe, the cd is available from Bitzcore, Hopeless
will be releasing it in the US. Go to www.hopelessrecords.com, the
comes out on June 26th but will be available for preorder prior to that

>>>>Mustard Plug ³Big Daddy Multitude² to be re-released on
Hopeless>Digger ³Trainwreck² available for pre-order