Poison The Well updates

Though the band first entered the studio this past spring, Poison The Well has an update on the oft delayed progress of their upcoming full length.
They had this to say:

We don't want to deliver a piece of work that isn't a good progression from our last effort and making sure that it's nothing less than perfection in our eyes. As far as touring, we plan to start in March. As soon as anything is firmed up, we will post up the dates.

The record it self will not be released until mid next year, the earliest we can start recording is the end of January. So we're going to keep writing more songs and weeding out the tracks that we don't feel that are our best.

As for the sound of the record, it's a very unpredictable as far as what people think what we are going to do and what actually is done. I guess everyone is going to have to wait and see...

Since the release of the their last record, You Come Before You in 2003, the band has seen the departure of guitarist Derek Miller and bassist Mike Gordill. They also spent this summer on the Sounds of the Underground tour.