Sunday Edition: December 18, 2005

It's Sunday December 18th, 2005. Well the snow is falling, Canadian politicians are debating, the American president is spying on you, and the music industry is waging a war on lyrics, or something to that effect. `Tis the season... I guess...

Stories you were talking about this week

Once again the Warped Tour had your attention, particularly with the addition of Underoath and Against Me!, the latter always a magnet for controversy. Speaking of punk rock summer camps, one planned by the fiercely independent Plan-It-X caused just as much debate. The curious dissolution of Blink-182 continued, as its former members' projects, Plus 44 and Angels & Airwaves, seem to be competing for your attention. Other prominent stories this week include Fat Wreck's new website, Anti-Flag's impending tour, Microsoft and MTV's new challenge to iTunes, Kid Dynamite's long awaited DVD, and Over It's move from Lobster to Virgin Records.

This week also saw the passing of RKL's Bomber Manzullo and the All-American Rejects' Tim Jordan. Our condolences go to the families and friends of both.

Current contests

Hewhocorrupts Inc. contest
Hewhocorrupts Inc. is celebrating the holidays by giving away a ton of swag. Click that link for a chance to win clothes, CDs and other great merch from the label.