Hill Billy Stew 2006 outlook

Hill Billy Stew Records have given us a sneak peak of what's in store for the new year.

Saw Wheel is in the process of recording a full length followup to 2005's The Next Train. A label has not been determined, but it "might be released on HBS later in the year."

Ghost Mice, who released a split with Saw Wheel on the label, have recently announced the first of two concept albums. The album is titled Europe and will include 11 songs and an enhanced portion of the disc featuring mp3s and photos from their trip.

The two Ian's of Uphollow are both set to release Solo albums in the new year. Ian C. is currently in Australia touring. 54 Sq. Ft Trampoline is working on another US tour and some live radio performances. Autumn Picture are set to release a CD-EP as a followup to their full length Fait Mason.