Sunday Edition: January 8, 2006

It's Sunday January 8th, 2006. This marks our first weekly retrospective of the new year, as the planned previous edition of this article was lost in the revelry the holiday (which is a nice euphemism for "too much stout"). So anyway, music news this year kicked off like it always does, with a controversy over Mozart's skull. It's like clockwork. I don't know what ol' Wolfgang thinks he's doing hogging all the attention again, but we all know these late-career comebacks never work.

Stories you were talking about this week

While the band kept quiet throughout 2005, news of AFI's upcoming record drew a ton of attention this week, so expect a much higher profile for the long running act this year. Maybe it's not how we normally think of the frontman, but news that Pennywise's Jim Lindberg is planning a "punk rock" parenting book certainly turned a few heads. Of course Lifetime's reunions were big news last year, and that attention remained when we announced the details of their upcoming retrospective. Always good for an argument, the Misfits' plans for a new album in 2006 and word of a documentary posthumously narrated by the late Kurt Cobain each caused their share of controversy. Other topics that got a reaction included the "American Hardcore" documentary, Strike Anywhere's upcoming tour, the Bouncing Souls' recording plans, Death By Stereo's globetrotting adventures and Every Time I Die's harrowing van accident.
Of course we wished you all Happy New Year by unveiling the year end picks of a number of `Org family members. Check those out to learn our horrifying secrets.

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Take Action Tour

Matchbook Romance,
Silverstein, Chiodos, Amber Pacific, Paramore, The Early November, I Am Ghost and Hit The Lights are among the bands playing this year's Take Action Tour. The Sub City organized event provides support and resources for young people to turn to when in need through the National Hopeline Network and 1-800-SUICIDE(784-2433).