2-Tone celebration planned for the end of January

Running from January 30th till February 5th there will be a celebration of 2-Tone era ska music and the 26th anniversary of Too Much, Too Young Live in Coventry, the birthplace of much of the 2Tone scene including the Specials who were originally named the Coventry Automatics.

Included in the festivities will be Toni Tye's 2-Tone photographic show, a display of memorabilia from the era, various quizzes and trivia games and interviews with famous folks from the time.

A show will also be happening on February 2nd at Ottakar's Bookshop in Coventry. Performing will be original Specials guitarist Roddy "Radiation" Byers with his new band, the Skabilly Rebels, Neville Staple, and the cryptically named UB4t.

For more info, go to the Coventry Music home page.