The Drips announce release dates, UK tour dates

The Drips, featuring Matt and Joby of the Bronx, have set a release date for their upcoming album. Their self-titled full length will be released on April 24th via White Drugs. The album will be preceded by their first single "Broken" on April 10th and followed by a release of "16, 16, 6" as a single on June 5th.

The band will also be performing a week's worth of dates in Europe in April. Read More for those dates.

Date Venue Location
March 24th, 2006 The Scene Glendale, CA
April 21st, 2006 Barfly Glasgow, UK
April 23rd, 2006 Roadhouse Manchester, UK
April 24th, 2006 Barfly London, UK
April 25th, 2006 Barfly York, UK
April 27th, 2006 best of luck to you finding this show London, UK