International Spotlight: Subs (China)

Here's Tim Krysko of Wreck The Place Fantastic reporting in with our International Spotlight. Every week we're featuring updates and music downloads from bands outside the North American market. This week we're headed to China:

A few weeks ago, my friend Paul (who's been my 'source' in Beijing since probably 2000 or so) helped us put together a Chinese punk mix for Wreck The Place Fantastic. This sixteen-song digital compilation is a pretty thorough survey of mainland China's booming music scene. By now you're probably aware of Brain Failure. You may know of Reflector. Another one of the city's leading bands is called Subs. The band formed in Beijing in 2002 and has since that time toured China extensively and made a couple trips to Europe. The screamiest band out of China I have heard to date, Subs has one of the region's more unique styles, one that is influenced by the Hives, Fugazi and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Here's a track called "8 o'Clock".

Subs - 8 o'Clock (MP3)