Editors' Picks: Banner Pilot / the Agent

Justin: Like Dillinger Four? Like the Lawrence Arms? If so, skip all this blather and go listen. Minneapolis has a few secrets stuck up it's sleeve yet and it appears that Banner Pilot is one of them. You know what? I don't think I need to say anything else. They sound like the best mixture of northern midwestern punk and indie rock that you can imagine. Do it. PUNKnews and all that, right? They have a new album, Pass The Poison, out now. Buy that.

Banner Pilot at Myspace
Brian: Down for a band recalling early Saves the Day with healthy doses of melodic hardcore and mid-`90s emo? Yeah, me too. These songs don't really do justice how quickly they've developed according to their live show, but Long Island's the Agent played their first show only about a month ago and their songwriting talents are already admirable right now. There is so much potential here it's disgusting. Both songs are taken from a demo the band recently cut.

The Agent - Clown College? You Can't Eat That

The Agent - Be Careful They're Ruffled