Peter Bywaters discusses delayed new Test Tube Babies record

Peter Bywaters of long running Brighton, England based act Peter and the Test Tube Babies has posted an update on the band's website detailing their current plans. Bywaters expresses a good deal of frustration with Locomotive Records regarding the band's new full length (and some inner-band tension as a result). From Peter's update:

...suffice to say that we are pissed off with Locomotive Records but I am the only one with the balls to say anything about
it in public. And at the end of the day it is you the public that really matter. After all without you guys there wouldn't be a band.
If nobody came to our gigs or listened to our music then we'd have given up years ago.

Last year we made our BEST ALBUM EVER and I'm sure you'd all like to hear it. After all shouldn't be that difficult surely?
You make an album , the record company release it, their distributors put it in the shops and then you guys buy it.
Not exactly rocket surgery is it? Well like I've already said I can't go into too much detail but step one was completed
and I know for a fact that you guys are having difficulties completing step 4 due to the ineptitude of the people involved in steps 2 and 3 .
And that is all I'm gonna say here. No doubt it's probably too much already and this piece will never see the light of day and
I'm wasting my fucking time.

The band's scaled back their usually heavy summer festival touring to coincide with the World Cup, but they are confirmed to play the final Wasted Festival this year in Blackpool (August 11 to 13).