G7 Launches Fifth Podcast

Chris and Derek, two members of the G7 Welcoming Committee cooperative, have launched their fifth podcast. This month's podcasts features music from Interzone, Minor Threat, Mogwai, System of a Down, Bad Brains, The Ex and the soundtrack to Team America: World Police.

The producers also had this to say:

After a deluge of requests, Todd "the rod" Kowalski finally graces us with his presence to explain his work with refugees and to advocate for the killing of posers. We also take a look at the work of Dr. Michael Persinger of Laurentian University: are religious experiences verifiably and reproducibly absurd? (yes.) But first up this month is Sgt. Kelly Dennison of the Winnipeg Police Services explaining what it's like to be a grown man with a microscopic penis!

You can check that out here.