Rant: What do you call punk these days?

"Ok, do we even know what punk is exactly???"
This isn't the most well-written rant, but I think it will stir up some good discussion, which is always beneficial for the mind. Lets just keep things intelligent in the comments section, okay kids?

Ok, do we even know what punk is exactly??? The things I hear are so divided, such as punk is a type of music, a style or an attitude..Personally I Love punk and hardcore music but its become so PC these days where when you try to define it it just leaves you confused.

I sure as hell cant define it…is it a type of music??? or an attitude..some rap bands are considered punk because of their attitude, or is it that if a band plays fast hardly understandable music that their punk. you confused yet? I sure am.

In the late 70's early 80's punk music was unmistakable…most of it was really quick, fast, angry and political..but today like most music It has developed into many many catagories. pop punk, skate punk, Oi…the list goes on and on and on…

What I really want to know..whats your definition??? Personally Im going with the "punk is an attitude" more than anything…Hell, I dont have the attitude..I just appreaciate the music and the influence its given me over the past 10 years. Keep the comments rollin in…. I want to what you think and your opinions. cuz everyone loves a good debate.