This Week: Cursive, Against Me!, Alexisonfire, Thermals, Over It, JR Ewing, Isis

Since it's Monday, it seemed as good a time as any to talk about some of the events happening this week.

August 22nd is a huge release day, with a massive number of albums hitting stores. Among them are new albums from Cursive, Against Me!, Alexisonfire, Thermals, Over It, Tristeza, The Casualties, Misery Signals, Intronaut, The Human Abstract and more. For the full list, you can check out the release schedule.

There are also a few tours kicking off this week, including headlining tours featuring The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, An Albatross, Hanalei and xDeathstarx. Isis will be hitting the road on a high profile supporting gig with Tool. There are some big European treks kicking off as bands come off the Warped tour, including Rise Against's three week trip to Europe, Paint It Black's trip with New Mexican Disaster Squad and a farewell tour from the late JR Ewing.

Of course, you can always check out our Weekly Calendar to see all the happenings for a given week.