Break-ups: Transition (1998- 2006)

Pittsburgh act Transition have announced that they've broken up:

This past July things crumbled to our feet in a truly poetic way. It was a beautiful mistake. We had not given anything up, but the uncontrollable things around us, our management, our booking, our tours, had all seemed to fall to pieces. The humbling experience changed all of us. Some of us spiritually, but for others it was just an undeniable lesson but brought us all to our knees.

We've spent the last couple months thinking through about 3 million scenarios and outcomes to this new challenge, while persistently trying to answer the question, What next? The changes weve experienced and the inspiration we've received is truly amazing. Just within a couple of weeks we've all unanimously decided to completely break-off and pursue our own personal journeys. For us its not a disconsolate realization...

You can read the rest of the lengthy statement on the band's MySpace.