Punk's Not Dead confirms final "cast" of bands

The documentary Punk's Not Dead has updated their "cast" page to reflect the final list of bands participating in the doc. In the editing process, the producers removed some interviews but expect much of the cut footage to reappear on the eventual DVD release.

You can check out the final list here.

As previously reported, the documentary focuses on the past 30 years in punk rock, with the social impact it has shown on everything from the orginal counter-culture, through its marketable image of today. The cast consists of a wide variety of bands, labels and personalities; providing both interviews and performances. Current stars like Green Day, Good Charlotte and Yellowcard; punk staples such as Bad Religion, Pennywise, Rancid and the Casualties; and pioneers like the Ramones, Minor Threat and the Dead Kennedys are just some of groups featured in the presentation.