Details provided for new Danny Cohen album

Singer/songwriter Danny Cohen will
release his third Anti- album, Shades Of Dorian Gray, on February 6,
2007. Recorded on a half-inch Ampex tape machine, a mobile garage studio
and at Ralph Carney's San Francisco facility; the record is described as "the
musical equivalent to an accomplished painting

Danny Cohen's musical background stretches back to 1961, where he fronted the infamous Los Angeles punk band Charleston Grotto. Years later, he was banned from performing the L.A. club circuit after his cult following purportedly smeared feces all over one venue's bathrooms, inspired by Cohen's chocolate pudding stage antics during a number called "Disco Diarrhea". Since, he's performed on only a few widely distributed releases, prior to signing with Anti- in 2004. Danny Cohen's last release, his second for Anti-, was We're All Gunna Die, from 2005. His music is often compared to the likes of Mike Watt and Daniel Johnston.