Thrice talks about double-double album, release plans, themes

Thrice recently spoke with vh1 about their ambitious quadruple album due out later this year. According to frontman, Dustin Kensrue - who is also supporting a new solo album - Thrice is about halfway through the writing and recording of The Elements,

Dustin explained:

It's definitely a daunting task, and I think we're starting to realize that now, since we're not in the beginning phases anymore. It's a lot of fun and a serious challenge for us, which is what we're always looking for.

People who liked Vheissu -- and people who didn't -- seem to like these songs, but I'm not sure that will play out for the entire project," he said. "This record's different than what would have been just the next Thrice record, being it has these themes that we're trying to hit. It allows for things that wouldn't have happened on an old Thrice record. We have this one song that's sort of a bluesy jazz standard, and there wouldn't have been space for something like that on any of our other records. But we have the freedom to do it here, and it fits."

Thrice are self-producing the four albums, which are each around 30 minutes long. They will be named Earth, Air, Water and Fire when they're released, which could be by year's end. According to the story, the band is considering releasing the four albums in pairs, with just a few months in between. System of a Down took a similar accelerated schedule with their recent double album.

For more on the album and the themes of each individual disc, you can check out the story here.