New Music Roundup: Bloody Heads, Robert Blake, Chinese Express, Rains

California's Bloody Heads have posted a new track as they continue to work on their next full length. The album is expected around September and you can check out "Good Time" on their myspace page.

Robert Sarazin Blake has posted a new track from his new full length, The Beautiful and the Afternoon. This is Robert's first new full length in three years and features a full backing band for the first time. You can check out the song via his label's myspace page.

Recent Measure for Measure Records signing The Chinese Express have posted a new track from their EP After The Matinee: From the Silver Screen to the Sky. You can check out some music on their myspace page.

Another recent Measure for Measure Records signing Rains have posted music from their last full length, Stories. They will soon be issuing their debut the label, titled Reinventing Storytelling. You can find music right here.

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