Alkaline Trio/Hot Water Music update and tour news

"For everybody who was wondering what Alk3 was doing on the spilt, here is the full story on the new spilt. It sounds like its going to be awsome. Due out on January 22, 2002, this release will be available for pre-order on November 20 at Alkaline Trio will be contributing the new songs "Queen Of Pain", "While You're Waiting", and a cover of Hot Water Music's "Rooftops". Hot Water will be contributing the new songs "God Deciding", "Russian Roulette", and covers of the Trio's "Radio", and "Bleeder". Alk3 will also head to Europe in a couple weeks, come back for short tour with the Get Up Kids in December, and then head back to Europe with Blink 182 in January. They will will begin recording their new album in March for July release."
Hopefully it'll be better than "From Here To Infirmary."