Streams: Saw Wheel - "End Of The Line"

At the villa, we tend to spend our afternoons and weekends sitting on the porch sipping appletinis and listening to whatever strikes our fancy. Today we're bringing you this stream straight from the porch.
RJ Cresswell performs under the moniker Saw Wheel and has a few releases under his belt, including a split with Ghost Mice and his debut LP The Next Train. End of the Line is the latest to come out features the addition of several other players to the group flushing out an already impressive sound.

The release features cover art by the fabulous Cristy C. Road. You can hear End of the Line at the Saw Wheel Band Profile. As far as we know, this is the only place to hear this album as RJ has yet to find a home for it. So tune in!
We also have a metric butt-load of music streaming at our Music page, including releases from Nothington, Reel Big Fish, Smoke or Fire and the Riptides.