Lifetime posts live show video

Lifetime has posted the entirety of a live show recorded on February 24th, 2007 in Edison, NJ. Frontman Ari Katz reminisced about the venue and talked about it's importance to him:

Wow, what can I say? I just watched the video from our Middlesex show and I was blown away. I got goose bumps. I went to my first show at Middlesex county college in 1987. It was Corrosion of Conformity or Youth of Today, I don't know, but it was amazing. And after high school, when I dabbled in college, I put on shows there. Lifetime, Mouthpiece, and Ressurection ruled the school in the early 90's,.

It was Rob Fish who gave me [the] flyer. Dan Yemin hung up in Vintage Vinyl looking for a singer. And to play Middlesex, and with Rob's band, 108, all these years later made just an intense night. But the kids went nuts, and I was bruised for days and it was really like I was a kid again, thinking about the show for days, wondering when I'll see my friends again.

And then I watch the band and holy shit, I just wanna mosh. Listen to Scotty Gobots' break down in 'The Boy's No Good'. Anyway now I'm just getting emo. The school started turning kids away at two hundred, we must have snuck in nearly five. If you missed it, here it is, a New Jersey hardcore show.

There is no shortage of live Lifetime footage here at Last week, we posted the second part of a two part live/interview series. You can check out the first and second parts.

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