MSN / Channel 4 explains "Emo" and "Screamo" to your mom

In a column with a title that is almost too terrifying to be ironic ("Get Down With the Kids") MSN and Channel 4 somewhat redeem themselves with their attempt to explain emo and screamo..

Actually aware that people aren't entirely sure what those things mean even now, the site explains:

Emo is a genre of indie rock with its origins in Washington DC's mid-1980s hardcore punk scene. The first wave of emo bands shared some quite specific characteristics, notably a tendency for spontaneous emotional outbursts in performance, hence the name.

The sound was made more melodic by a new generation of indie-influenced bands in the mid-1990s, creating the conditions for its absorption into the mainstream. In truth, the term is now sufficiently broad to encompass a relatively wide range of music, leading to much debate as to who does and does not qualify as emo.

The site even tackles "screamo" noting JR Ewing, Bet On Black, Slapshock and Hot Cross.

You can check out the story here.