Trainwreck Riders in car crash

The tour van of San Franciscan folk-punks the Trainwreck Riders was struck by a drunk driver this past weekend. The band explained the incident:

For those of you who have not heard (or maybe you have, and that's why you're here), we were side-swiped by a drunk driver late Saturday night / Sunday morning (6/24). Our van was flipped and rolled. Luckily (miraculously), the van itself and our equipment took the worst of it. As far as we can tell, we did not sustain any serious injuries - various scrapes and bruises, a broken arm, maybe a rib - sticks and stones stuff mainly. We feel very lucky to have been able to walk away from this sort of accident. The drunk driver was caught a few miles down the road...

We are currently headed home to San Francisco, where we will spend some time to gather ourselves and maybe heal up a bit.

A genuine thank you to all who have taken an interest in our well-being, and rest assured, we will do our best to make it back on the road as soon as possible.

Trainwreck Riders was touring with Nashville punk-blues duo Black Diamond Heavies. The Heavies will continue the ongoing tour.