Editors' Picks: Resonance, Bob Burns and the Breakups, Dirty Money

Brian: It's probably more Chris' job to tell you about the standout acts littering his hometown of Richmond, VA, but it seems he missed the boat on this one. When recent news broke of RVA 'core kids Permanent coming out with a split 7" with hometown bros Resonance, I checked out the band on the presumed basis they'd be solid as well. Consider those expectations surpassed: Despite taking nods from the Usual Suspects (Kid Dynamite, Hot Water Music, etc.), Resonance is playing some of the more original melodic hardcore these ears have heard in quite some time. The band also has a 12" compilation of their pre-split material on the way from Collapse Records, and some of those songs -- as well as an unmastered track from the split -- are available at their abovelinked MySpace page. I highly recommend "Auctionary Blindness" and "Radiant Chains," though.

Adam: We won't mention the fact that Bob Burns and the Breakups has one of the greatest band names in recent memory, but instead will base this recommendation purely on the speedy punk rock goodness to be found at their MySpace page. On "Terminal Breakdown" the band just tears through the competition like D.O.A. on amphetamines. Since this is a Gearhead release you know there's bound to be an underlying current of New Bomb Turks and Devil Dogs as well. Quite frankly, I'd be disappointed otherwise.
Chris: There's something about Gainesville, FL that turns out some great bands. A friend recently turned me on to one of the town's newest incarnations, Dirty Money. The band sounds exactly how'd you expect; think along the lines of Grabass Charletons, O Pioneers!!!, etc. The song "123 Fest" is quickly becoming one of my favorites of the year. You can check out four songs from their upcoming debut, Far From Home over at the band's MySpace page.