Ben Lee Covers Against Me 'New Wave'

It seems some people really love Against Me!'s major label debut, New Wave. One fan was so impressed with the album that he recorded an acoustic version of the entire album. Now, this particular fan was Australian acoustic troubadour Ben Lee (That Ben Lee) and he explained why he would take on such an unusual project:

A couple of weeks ago I downloaded the new "Against Me!" album "New Wave". I didnt really know too much about this band but had been reading lots of good things about it, and my friend Tegan sings on it.

fell in love with the album. Really. Like, couldn't stop listening to it. As heavy and gnarly as it sounds at times, it is unmistakably a pop masterpiece. Listening to it on the way to Australia, I wondered to myself how these songs would sound acoustically.

A couple of days later I was on a flight from Sydney to Melbourne and had the thought "I'd love to cover this album." The whole thing. Beginning to end. So I did. Anyway, here are the results. If you already know the original album, I hope these recordings shed a different light on it. I

A stream of each cover can be found here or you can download the entire thing right here.