Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth), Abby Banks collaborate on "Punk House" book

Thurston Moore, the frontman of Sonic Youth has collaborated on a new book of photographs with photographer Abby Banks. The book, titled Punk House, attempts to document the so-called "punk house":

[A house where] like-minded punks cram into a house usually intended to accommodate two or three people, resulting in low rent and, thus, extended hours of leisure for the residents to pursue their true interests.

[It] features anarchist warehouses, feminist collectives, tree houses, workshops, artists' studios, self-sufficient farms, hobo squats, community centers, basement bike shops, speakeasies, and all varieties of communal living spaces.

The book is due out on October on Harry N. Abrams.

You can click Read More for the cover.

Punk House
Abby Banks, Thurston Moore
Abrams Image
272 pages, 8 1/2"x10 7/8"
ISBN: 0-8109-9331-7
EAN: 9780810993310
US $24.95