Kerrang! awards enrage Fall Out Boy / My Chemical Romance fans

In what could possibly be described as a severe case of sour grapes, some fans of Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance have thrown quite a tantrum after metal act Machine Head took top honors from Kerrang winning best album over those two acts.

According to Machine Head:

[Our win] has apparently cut deep with fans of both bands, prompting a flood of angry whining and sad-faced emoticons on the Kerrang! message boards. Machine Head's upset victory over the multi-platinum softcore acts sent their inherently sensitive fans into an emotional frenzy, building into a tizzy of unparalleled proportions.

Wrought with dismay, polished fingernails the world over lashed out at the band and metal as a whole with diatribes the likes of "MCR really should have won!!! I'm mad now!!!!", "what a load of shit, who the fuck listens to them?" and "Stupid Machine Head!!", at times stooping so low as to say the competition was fixed, and often gravely endangering the integrity of their carefully sideswept hair with posts like "I H8 METAL, I H8 METAL, I H8 METAL, I H8 METAL, I H8 METAL, I H8 METAL, I H8 METAL".

Machine Head released The Blackening earlier this year.